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Should you Stay Married for the Kids?

 Posted on April 29,2014 in Uncategorized

Chicago divorce attorneyA lot of people go through life within a perpetually confused or ambivalent state because things aren’t so bad. In this state of confusion, they cannot be asked to make a determination, so they will rationalize remaining with their partner, waiting around for something to occur that will make it clearer as to if they ought to keep the marriage together or not.

For other people, a fear of the unknown is merely too daunting; therefore, they become numb or make themselves busy to make life with their spouse bearable (for instance, by alcohol/drug addiction, workaholism, and excessive spending). In a few instances, this fear of leaving isn’t about unknown circumstances, instead, it’s the known which paralyzes them.

If you are tired of sacrificing your happiness and are ready to move ahead with your divorce, contact our Chicago divorce attorney office at (312) 884-1222 for a free consultation.

Most of the individuals who divorce have had an idea that their relationship was over before they started to really separate physically. When asked of these individuals what the reason was for not exiting sooner, the main reason given is, ‘because of the children.’ There isn’t any doubt that all parents who have stated this believe wholeheartedly that it was a selfless and noble reason to remain. Sacrificing their happiness and staying seems as if it’s the right thing to do.

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What Happens During the First Meeting With your Divorce Lawyer?

 Posted on April 28,2014 in Uncategorized

What should occur at the initial meeting?

It’ll depend upon what is happening within the divorce case. In a few cases, divorce papers already have been filed, whereas in additional cases, the partners already have discussed divorce and pledged to utilize a collaborative divorce process, instead of all out ‘litigation’ (which means to fight it out in court). Lastly, a few clients are faced with an emergency - their partner might be draining the bank account, anticipating the divorce, or they might be the victim of domestic abuse and have to have instant protection from the court. The circumstances of the client is going to dictate what’s discussed and which actions are taken as a consequence of the initial meeting.

Though typically, a client walks in with general questions in regard to a recently-filed or an impending divorce, and the majority of attorneys will assess the various processes of divorce which are available (litigation, mediation, and collaborative law) and explain the steps for each.

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Are you REALLY ready to file for Separation?

 Posted on April 22,2014 in Uncategorized

Whether you refer to it as a divorce or separation, deciding that you want to split is a decision which never should be taken lightly. There’s always a time in which space is required between your partner and you, and space occasionally can be a healthy decision. It permits both parties to have the ability to rationally consider the ideal method of handling the duty at hand, and to talk about a possible compromise. There’s never a clear indication of when the ideal time is to end your marriage; therefore, taking ‘one final shot at mending your relationship’ is something you might have to attempt many times.

If, after exhausting all these possibilities and you still feel that divorce is inevitable speak with one of our Chicago divorce attorneys at (312) 884-1222 for a free consultation.

Therefore consider this: If you’re considering separation, determine how your partner and you might take time apart, without having to make any spontaneous decisions, and taking the time to consider solutions. Unsure how much time you should take? As long as it takes! There isn’t any reason to dive head first into a separation or a divorce, therefore just play it out, then see how it goes, it can’t get any worse as you already feel you are at the end of the rope.

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Uncontested Divorce: What is it?

 Posted on April 15,2014 in Uncategorized

In the plainest terms, uncontested divorce will mean that the partners have the ability to agree upon the major factors included in getting divorced, involving:

• How they’ll share parenting responsibilities and parenting time

• The duration and amount of child support

• The duration and amount of spousal support

• The division of property

• The division of debt

If they have the ability to get to an agreement, they often can file paperwork without a court appearance, and as soon as the mandatory time period (set by the state law) has passed, the divorce is final.

Not all uncontested divorces are the same, and not all uncontested divorces run smoothly. The process is smoothest as the couple has no minor kids and very few assets, involving no real property. Also it works best if each partner is self-supporting or able to easily become self-supporting. A few states have simplified procedures obtainable for couples within this kind of situation. However, these types of procedures are stringently limited and are only available for marriages which were relatively short usually 5 years or less.

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In Divorce what do you do With the House?

 Posted on April 08,2014 in Uncategorized

A divorce includes the legal end of a marriage. A judge reviews and approves the divorce settlement or, if spouses cannot concur to a settlement, decides how property is divided and how parenting time is shared. Until you get the court order signed by the judge, you aren’t officially divorced and cannot remarry. The rules which are different in every state include how long you have to reside in the state prior to you being able to file for divorce, how long you have to wait prior to your divorce being completed after you file, and how the state will treat alimony and child support.

If you have any questions about the Illinois divorce process, contact us today at our Illinois divorce attorney office at (312) 884-1222.

Here include the basic choices you have to handle the house after and during the divorce.

In most divorces, the family house is the pair’s largest asset. It also can be an extremely emotional item. It’s highly likely that you and your spouse determined in happier times that it was the place you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together, and it might be where your kids have lived the majority of their lives. It can make it challenging to let go and assign a value to it.

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In Divorce Who Gets the House?

 Posted on April 07,2014 in Uncategorized

If you are in the middle of a divorce, and want to keep your family home, there might be great reasons to fight for it. Because keeping a home or selling it after divorce may be a huge, life-changing event, it is vital that you know your reasons are sound, and that keeping your house is going to be in your best financial interest.

The children: School-aged kids might be traumatized by your divorce, and having to move might add to their emotional distress. If you are concerned about this and are not certain what is best for the family, consider talking to a family therapist or child psychologist who is able to assist you in figuring it out.

Emotional attachment: It is oftentimes an extremely emotional decision whether you should keep your family home; and even though emotional attachment isn’t necessarily a ‘great’ reason, it is an understandable one. Most spouses will become attached to their house because, for instance, they have put a lot of work into constructing their dream home, and it will hold many good memories, or because their house has been within one spouse’s family for generations.

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Tips for Parents who are Divorcing Part 2

 Posted on March 18,2014 in Uncategorized

Here are some tips on how to get along well enough with your ex to make sure your children's emotional and physical needs are met and help your children get through the divorce feeling loved and secure. This is part 2 of a 2-part series.

(13) During time to pick up, don’t honk the car horn in front of the additional parent’s house. But, do not go in the house either – unless you’re invited in. Arrive on time for drop-off and pick-up and have your kids prepared to go.

(14) Transfers may be uncomfortable times. Be patient and kind with one another and the kids.

(15) Never place your kids within a position in which they must select between parents or determine where allegiance lies.

(16) Expect the kids to feel guilty, confused, abandoned and/or sad, in response to your separation/divorce. Acknowledge these feelings as being normal and tell them that although the family is going through a big change, your ex-spouse and you always are going to be their parents.

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Tips for Parents who are Divorcing Part 1

 Posted on March 17,2014 in Uncategorized

Co-parenting with an ex-partner will have its challenges, not the least of which includes communicating with somebody you might’ve been thoroughly unable to speak to, or even be within the same room with. But, your kids deserve the best out of both parents, whether you can stand one another or not.

Below are tips on how you can get along long enough with your ex-spouse to make certain your youngster's physical and emotional needs are met and assist your kids in getting through the divorce feeling secure and loved. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.

(1) Divorced parents may succeed at co-parenting.

(2) If you haven’t already done so, call a truce with your ex-partner.

(3) Set up a business relationship with your ex-partner. The business includes the co-parenting of your kid(s). In a business relationship there aren’t any expectations of approval and emotional support or emotional attachments. Appointments will be made to discuss business, meetings will take place, agendas will be provided, and discussions concentrate on the business at hand. Everybody is formal, polite, courtesies are observed, agreements are explicit, and communication is direct, written, and clear. You don’t have to like those you do business with, yet you must place negative feelings on the back burner to do business. Relating within a business-like way with a previous partner may feel awkward and strange. If you find yourself behaving within an ‘unbusiness’-like way, abruptly end the discussions and continue them at another time.

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Child Custody Terms Defined

 Posted on March 11,2014 in Uncategorized

Child custody may be an extremely contentious factor in a divorce—and occasionally, the language which we use to define and discuss child custody arrangements also can be the topic of debate.

Physical and Legal Custody

The basic words are not overly controversial. ‘Legal custody’ can be defined as the right to make decisions concerning your youngster—things such as education (home-schooling, private, or public), medical/dental care (braces), and religious upbringing. The term ‘Physical custody’ will refer to the youngster’s physical presence in the home.

If you need help gaining custody of a child, contact us today at our Chicago joint custody lawyer’s office at (312) 884-1222 or fill out our easy contact form for a free consultation.

Sole and Joint Custody

The terms ‘joint’ and ‘sole’ may slightly be more complex. It is common for parents to share joint custody in order for them both to possess the legal right to have a say within decisions regarding the youngster. Unless the parents cannot get along whatsoever and each decision might be a battle, judges likely will award joint legal custody. However, as it looks as if joint legal custody might trigger conflict, a judge will award one spouse sole legal custody, or will occasionally designate one spouse as having a ‘tie-breaker’ vote if there is a disagreement.

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Factors the Judge Might Consider when Determining Custody

 Posted on March 10,2014 in Uncategorized

Every state uses a ‘best interest of child’ standard within custody cases that are disputed. It’s a rather amorphous standard, and a standard which lends itself to judges’ subjective thoughts concerning what is best for kids. Though, there will include some factors you can expect a judge to take into account.

Age of children

Even though the ‘tender years’ doctrine has been out of fashion officially, a few judges still think that younger kids should reside with their mothers, particularly if she has been the main caregiver.

Parent’s living situation

Occasionally, the parent who remains in the family house is given custody of the kids because it permits the kids continuity and stability in their day-to-day lives. At times, the parent who has custody is given the family home, for that same reason. If you’re crashing over your friend’s basement as you get back on your feet, do not expect to gain main custody of the children. If you want to spend a substantial quantity of time with the kids, ensure your home situation reflects this. The proximity of your house to your partner’s also may factor in to a judge’s decision. The more nearby you are, the more likely a judge is going to order a time-sharing plan which provides both parents substantial time with the children. The locality of their school, as well as sports and social activities also may matter.

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