Family law cases almost always involve issues that affect you deeply on a personal level. Whether you are attempting to end your marriage, secure parental rights for your children, or protect the assets that you and your family need in order to live comfortably, the outcome of your case has the potential to shape the rest of your life. At The Law Office of George J. Skuros, our Chicago divorce attorneys understand the gravity of family law cases, and we provide skilled legal guidance and representation for a wide variety of family law matters to help you handle these issues with knowledge and confidence. If you need help with your divorce, child support order, parenting plan, or paternity case, contact our office today by calling 312-884-1222 and schedule a free consultation.
About Our Firm
Our firm is helmed by Attorney George J. Skuros. George has over 30 years of legal experience, and he has helped clients in the Chicago area handle divorce and family law cases for more than two decades. He also has significant experience with Illinois probate and real estate law, allowing him to provide comprehensive legal services for a wide range of concerns affecting his clients and their families. George is committed to transparency and regular communication with his clients, ensuring that they are well educated and informed about the issues affecting their case and the realistic outcomes.
Deciding to get a divorce means not only the end of your relationship, but also the end of a legal arrangement that allowed you to share property, assets, and responsibilities for your children. As such, you will need to reach a resolution that addresses how all of these matters will be handled when your marriage is dissolved. We can help you prepare for your divorce by identifying your priorities and making a plan to accomplish them. With our assistance, you can better protect your interests in the division of marital property, the creation of a parenting plan, and the determination of awards for spousal support and child support. We can also help you after your divorce to enforce or modify the terms of your divorce decree.
Uncontested Divorce
Often, the most efficient way to end your marriage is through an uncontested divorce, in which you and your spouse negotiate an agreement on all terms. If you choose this option, do not overlook the importance of an attorney’s services, including advice and review of your agreement, as well as assistance with court procedures like the filing of your petition and settlement.
High-Conflict Divorce
Issues like adultery, asset dissipation, domestic violence, mental illness, and substance abuse can complicate the divorce process and prevent you from reaching a settlement. If you are facing any of these challenges, your divorce may go to trial. We can help you prepare evidence and testimony to support your case and represent you in court to resolve your divorce through litigation.
Spousal Support
Illinois courts award spousal maintenance in divorce cases involving significant financial imbalance between spouses, especially when one spouse will have trouble supporting themselves after the divorce. We can help you pursue spousal support to meet your needs, or prepare for a situation in which you are likely to be ordered to make maintenance payments to your spouse.
Division of Property and Assets
An Illinois divorce requires the equitable distribution of all marital assets and debts. We will work with you to identify non-marital assets that do not need to be divided and to take the necessary steps to fairly divide complex assets like your home and other real estate properties, your business or professional practice, and your retirement savings and other investments.
The Illinois Divorce Process
In Illinois, the divorce process starts with at least one spouse filing a petition for dissolution of marriage on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. We can help you prepare your petition for filing with the appropriate court or respond to your spouse’s petition. In an uncontested divorce, you may file your negotiated settlement along with your petition. Otherwise, you may need to resolve any remaining issues through negotiation, mediation, or litigation before your divorce can be finalized. If a trial is necessary, we can help you manage the discovery period to collect important information from your spouse, prepare your own evidence and testimony regarding your finances and your preferred parenting arrangements, and represent you in all required court hearings until a resolution is reached.
Family Law
Not all family law issues are directly related to the end of a marriage. We help couples create prenuptial and postnuptial agreements to protect their individual assets throughout their marriage and in the event of a divorce. We assist unmarried parents with paternity orders and other legal issues related to children born outside of marriage, including child support, parenting time, parental decision-making responsibilities, and visitation. We also handle cases involving the guardianship of minor children in Illinois probate court.

Child Custody
Though Illinois no longer uses the term “child custody” in divorce and family law cases, it is still important to determine how unmarried parents will be involved in their children’s upbringing. We provide guidance as you negotiate a parenting plan with your child’s other parent, addressing issues including the allocation of parenting time and parental decision-making responsibilities. We also provide representation in litigated parenting cases, including those involving restrictions on parental responsibilities.

Child Support
Divorced and unmarried parents are responsible for supporting their children financially, and Illinois recently adjusted its child support calculation to an income shares model that considers both parents’ financial resources to determine each of their obligations. We can help you prepare your documents to ensure an accurate calculation and pursue deviations from the calculation to provide for your child’s extraordinary health or developmental needs. We can also help you negotiate agreements for contributing to your child’s education expenses after they reach the age of 18.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an attorney to get a divorce? Hide Answer
A lawyer is not a requirement for a divorce, but going without one can leave you at a major disadvantage. Your attorney can provide valuable help in many ways, including offering qualified advice, reviewing and filing documents, gathering important evidence, and representing you in court hearings.
How much does it cost to get divorced? Show Answer
Aside from the financial impact of the division of assets, spousal maintenance, and child support, the divorce process itself also comes with several expenses. Primarily, this includes attorney fees and court costs. The actual cost of divorce varies significantly from case to case based on the number of issues to be resolved, the spouses’ willingness to cooperate, and many other factors.
Will I have to go to court for my family law case? Show Answer
You will usually need to appear in court at least once, but that does not mean you will need to go through a lengthy public trial. Most Illinois divorce and family law cases are settled out of court through negotiations between the parties and their attorneys. This can save you significant time, money, and stress.
How can I get custody of my children? Show Answer
In a divorce case, both parents will usually continue to share custody, now known as parenting time and parental responsibilities, unless one of them poses a danger to the children. When a child is born to unmarried parents, the father will need to establish legal paternity to secure parental rights and petition for the allocation of parental responsibilities.