Chicago Child Support Enforcement Lawyer

Chicago Family Law Attorney for Enforcing Support Orders in Cook County and Surrounding Areas
The financial costs of raising a child to adulthood are substantial, and when a child's parents are not married, it is critically important to ensure that both parents contribute. Illinois courts frequently issue child support orders for this very reason, but unfortunately, parents do not always comply with their terms, and this can create hardship for both the child and the other parent. In such cases, it may be necessary to petition the court for enforcement of the order.
At The Law Office of George J. Skuros, we understand how much parents rely on child support being paid on time and in full, and we can help you take legal action when your child's other parent is delinquent on their payments. We have over 30 years of legal experience, and we will work with you to determine the best approach for resolving your child support dispute, including through trial litigation if necessary.
When is Child Support Ordered in Illinois?
There are two primary types of situations in which parents may be subject to a child support order in Illinois. The first is when parents with children under the age of 18 get divorced or legally separated. The second is when a child is born to unmarried parents and a man is judged to be the child's legal father through a presumption of parentage, a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity, or a judicial or administrative paternity order. In determining the amount of child support that should be ordered, the court will use a calculation that considers factors including each parent's income and parenting time, other support obligations, a child's extraordinary needs, and the number of children who are entitled to support.
While both parents are legally obligated to contribute to child support, one parent will typically be expected to contribute a larger share, and the court order will require that parent to make regular payments to the other. In many cases, child support payments are collected using income withholding from the paying parent's paycheck. However, a child support order could also require a parent to send payments by mail or electronically to the Illinois State Disbursement Unit or directly to the other parent.
Enforcing Child Support Payment
If your child's other parent fails or refuses to fulfill their court-ordered child support obligation, and other attempts at resolving the situation prove to be unsuccessful, you have the right to petition the court for enforcement of the order. You will also need to serve notice of your petition to the other parent, and the court may give them the opportunity to respond or become up-to-date on delinquent payments in order to avoid further consequences.
If the other parent continues to evade or shirk their payment obligation, they can face many serious penalties. For example, the court may order that their wages be garnished for the amount of the delinquent payments plus accrued interest. They may also be charged with contempt of court, which carries possible consequences including fines and court costs, probation, and periodic imprisonment for up to six months. A parent who is delinquent on child support payments for more than 90 days can also have their driver's license suspended. After an extended period of delinquency, a parent can be charged with criminal failure to support, which may be a misdemeanor or felony depending on the length of time, the monetary amount of the missed payments, and other factors.
Contact a Park Ridge Child Support Enforcement Attorney
We can help you take the necessary steps to hold your child's other parent accountable and collect the payment you need to provide for your children. For a free consultation, contact our office by calling 312-884-1222. We handle child support cases throughout Cook County and the Chicago area, including Park Ridge, the North Shore, Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, Inverness, Schaumburg, and the surrounding areas.