Getting Divorced for the Second Time? Here is What You Need to Know
Divorce statistics can vary from source to source, but most sources estimate the divorce rate for first marriages to be between 40 and 50 percent. For second marriages, the divorce rate is closer to 70 percent. If you are getting divorced for the second time, you are not alone. While you may assume that you know what to expect in this divorce since you have been through it before, each case is different and there are often additional issues to consider in a second or third divorce. To ensure that you make the best decisions possible and avoid mistakes during your divorce case, work with an experienced divorce lawyer.
Property Division and Other Financial Concerns
Just as you did in your first divorce, you and your spouse will need to divide your shared assets and debts. You may have bought a home, made investments, taken out a loan, or made other financial decisions during your second marriage that you will need to address in your divorce case. Unless you have a prenuptial agreement or other marital agreement in place dictating property division, you and your spouse will need to either reach an out-of-court settlement or take the case to trial to divide your assets and debts. An experienced divorce lawyer can help you explore your property division options and choose the option that makes the most sense given your particular situation.
Child-Related Matters in a Second Divorce
If you and your second spouse had children together, you will need to address the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. Sometimes, spouses who were previously married have children from their previous marriages. You may have stepchildren that you have grown close to over the years. Unfortunately, stepparents do not have a right to parenting time with their stepchildren unless they have formally adopted the children.
You may also be subject to a child support order in conjunction with your second divorce. If you already pay child support or spousal support to your first spouse, you may understandably be worried about how to afford the second support obligation. Fortunately, your existing support obligations are taken into account by the court when determining your subsequent support obligations. Child support orders are based on the parents’ net incomes. Your net income excludes existing child support and spousal support orders.
Contact a Cook County Divorce Lawyer
If you are getting divorced for the second time, contact Chicago divorce attorney George J. Skuros for help. At the Law Office of George J. Skuros, we understand that second divorces can be more complicated on both a financial and personal level. We can help you with property division, child custody, and more. Call us today at 312-884-1222 for a free, confidential consultation.